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Last Updated : 2023-01-06

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Frequently asked question

How long does it take to ship from Hong Kong to USA?

Depending on the chosen courier service, shipping from Hong Kong to USA generally takes 3-8 working days.

Is international express shipping cost calculated based on package weight or size?

International shipping costs are typically calculated based on the actual weight and volumetric weight of the package, with the higher of the two being used for the final billing weight. For example, if the volumetric weight of a package is 1kg and the actual weight is 2kg, you will be charged for 2kg of shipping. Calculating shipping costs is simple—just use the shipping cost calculator on the Fuuffy platform, input the package weight and dimensions, and it will estimate the shipping cost for you!

Can Fuuffy ship food, electronic products, and cosmetics overseas?

Fuuffy offers multiple international courier services (such as UPS, DHL, FedEx, EconomiQ, etc.) that can ship foodelectronic products and cosmetics overseas. They also provide exclusive discounts and doorstep pickup services.

Which courier services are the most popular for shipping from Hong Kong to USA?

The most popular courier services for shipping from Hong Kong to USA include: UPSUSPSDHLFedExAramex and EconomiQ